مداخل كلاسية ممتدة الشعبية منذ تواريخ ظهورها وحتى الآن :

( مقسمة إلى ثلاثة مستويات من حيث الشعبية التى حققتها )

 العقل العربى وريث عقول الهنود الحمر والأبوريچين ( 1992-1996 ) [ منذ ديسيمبر 1999 ، متاح أيضا  ، شعبية فائقة ]

( أضيف له لاحقا عدة ملاحق من بينها ملحق بعنوان ‘ محمد حسنين هيكل : دراسة حالة ! ’ ، لكن هذا أعيدت كتابته على نحو أكثر شمولا وتوسعا فى مدحت محفوظ - رواية سهم كيوبيد رواية سهم كيوپيد ، التى تعد ككل إجمالا فى كتاب واحد لمعظم أفكار هذا الموقع ، وهى متاحة أيضا فى ثلاثة ملفات  و  و  )

 انهيار الاقتصاد المصرى [ منذ يناير 2000 ، شعبية خاصة ]

 الديموقراطية وحقوق الإنسان أسطورتان شديدتا الرجعية والخطورة [ منذ مايو 2000 ]

 نموذج شيلى پينوتشيت طريق النهضة الحقيقية الوحيد للأمم الفقيرة [ منذ أكتوبر 2000 ]

 جبهة الرفض العربية‑الإيرانية [ منذ ديسيمبر 2000 ]

 إما أن تقضى الحضارة على الدين أو يقضى الدين على الحضارة [ سلسلة المقالات عن أحداث 11 سپتمبر 2001 ، والمعنونة ‘ اللمسة المصرية ’ ، والتى قادتنا لاحقا لإعلان أننا أفضل من فهم العقلية المصرية فى التاريخ ! ، شعبية خاصة ]

 الرب فى نظرية النسبية —حوار مع صديقى المؤمن [ منذ أكتوبر 2001 ، متاح أيضا  ، شعبية خاصة ]

 ما هو اليمين و… ما هى العرقية ( العنصرية ) [ منذ يناير وديسيمبر 2002 ]

 نص كتاب حضارة ما بعد الإنسان ( 1989 ) [ منذ يونيو 2002 ، متاح أيضا  ، شعبية خاصة ]

 كارثة يوليو 1952 [ منذ يوليو 2002 ]

 اللمبى و… نانسى عجرم [ منذ صيف 2002 ، متاح أيضا  ، وصيف 2003 ، شعبية فائقة ]

 موجز تاريخ الپورنو و… موجز تاريخ التمودل العارى [ منذ أكتوبر ونوڤمبر 2002 ، شعبية فائقة ]

 الحرب ضد العراق و… ما بعدها و… الإمپراطورية الأميركية [ منذ مارس‑مايو 2003 ، شعبية خاصة ]

 موجز تاريخ الإنترنيت [ منذ أپريل 2003 ]

 تجارة الجنس ( الدعارة ) و… معسكرات العراة [ منذ مايو ويونيو 2003 ، شعبية خاصة ]

 الجنس فى السينما المصرية [ منذ أغسطس 2003 ، شعبية فائقة ]

 العصابة العروبية تختطف رضا هلال [ منذ أغسطس 2003 ، شعبية خاصة ]

 تهافت المسيحية وسائر ما يسمى بديانات التوحيد من منظور فلسفى وتاريخى ( وأيضا فى منظور السينما العالمية ثم متابعة بالفيلم المصرى بحب السيما والفيلم البريطانى الملك آرثر ! ) ، وانتهاء بمتابعة حية للكشف التاريخى لإنجيل يهوذا [ منذ مارس 2004 ، متاح أيضا  ، شعبية فائقة ]

 جمال مبارك وإصلاحات الخطوط الحمراء فى مصر [ منذ مارس 2004 ، متاح أيضا  ، شعبية فائقة ]

( أضيفت له متابعات متعددة تغطى التيارات السياسية المختلفة فى مصر ، لعل أكبرها متابعة عن الإخوان المسلمين بعنوان ‘ كفر ما بعده كفر ، بل قل نكتة ما بعدها نكتة : الإخوان المسلمون يدعون لتأسيس اتحاد العمال الحر واتحاد الطلاب الحر ، بينما كلمة حر ولا أى من مشتقات جذرها وردت أصلا أو على وجه الإطلاق فى القرآن ! ’ ، متاح أيضا فى نفس الملف  ، شعبية فائقة ) .

 سوريا وحزب الله يخسران كثيرا من قتلهما رموز الحرية فى لبنان ؟ فقط غاب عنا شىء واحد : كيف يشتغل العقل العربى المسلم الذى يرى أن من حق ‘ خير أمة أخرجت للناس ’ أن تسترق وتستحل كل الدنيا ‘ عن يد وهم صاغرون ’ ! [ منذ فبراير 2005 ، شعبية خاصة ]

 محاكمة شاملة لجيل الستينيات فى الثقافة والفن والسياسة [ منذ أپريل 2005 ، لحد كبير يعتبر هذا المدخل ملخصا لمعظم الأفكار الرئيسة التى تناولها هذا الموقع منذ بدايته ، متاح أيضا  ، شعبية خاصة ]

 هل تومى فرانكس كان الغلطة ؟ هل پول بريمر كان الغلطة ؟ هل إياد علاوى كان الغلطة ؟ الإجابة الديموقراطية كانت الغلطة ! [ منذ أغسطس 2005 ، شعبية خاصة ]

 الضربة القادمة لإيران ستكون نووية ! [ منذ سپتمبر 2005 ، شعبية خاصة ]

 الرسوم الدنمركية ومحنة العقل المسلم ، صدمة المستقبل الت‍ى قوضت السلام العقلى الهش لمسلمى العالم وفجعتهم بواقع أن بقية العرق البشرى ترى أن حرية الفكر أكثر قداسة بمراحل من أى دين ! [ منذ نوڤمبر 2005 ، يشمل الكثير من المتابعات لما سمى بمسلسل الإساءة للإسلام ورسوله ، متاح أيضا  ، شعبية فائقة ]

 تعليقا على ما حدث فى شوارع القاهرة من تحرشات جنسية : الثورة الجنسية جاءت لتبقى ، وموتوا بغيظكم ! [ منذ أكتوبر 2006 ]


( تنزيل كامل الموقع للاستمتاع به خارج الخط هنا )

ثبت كامل هنا بسلسلة كتب EveryScreen.com على هيئة ملفات PDF سريعة التنزيل أنيقة التوضيب غنية بالصور وجاهزة للطباعة على الوجهين )




Nadim Michelle


A Memorial Page
Dedicated to



SPECIAL I (Jan. 19 - Mar. 9, 2002): Egyptian Economy Hardships.

SPECIAL II Removed because of page corruption. Yalta was on already 20020806 (Mar. 9 - Sep. 13, 2002): The War Against the Arab-Iranian Rejectionist Front.

SPECIAL III (August 8, 2002 - July 20, 2003): Yalta Law, aka International Law, Is Melting Down. …A Brave New World Is Emerging!




 (More than 2 million
 words in 61 pages + 9 books of
 original & daring
 views, mostly in

 Want to read them all?
 Consult this guide.

 Here are some of major entries:


Announcing New Page:

Gamal Mubarak, son of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and head of the higher political committee of the ruling National Democratic Party, a policy-making post, speaks at the second annual convention of the NDP while the large monitor behind shows a still image of his, Cairo, Egypt, September 21, 2004


Egypt's new Prime Minister Ahmed Nazief speaks during a news conference, after Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak swore in a new Cabinet, July 14, 2004.

Egypt’s Economy & Politics



Fantastic Cinema

 December 18, 2007: Special Guest Entry: Al-Ahram daily’s book review of Fantastic Cinema.

War of the Worlds (2005)

 June 29, 2005: War of the Worlds: A Great Post-Human Material Hard to Be Corrupted (Even by Steven ‘E.T.’ Spielberg)!

The Lord of the Rings -The Return of the King (2003).

 February 11, 2004: The Lord of the Rings —or the whole dark side of Humanity collective mind, is it about Islam?

 July 22, 2001: The ugly confusion between Surrealism and Post-Modernism.

 June 1, 2001: The first Web introduction to Post-Human Cinema.


CIVILIZATION (1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - Hypatia page):

A cartoon depicts Muhammad's desire for Aisha, his child bride, whose marriage was consumated when she was nine years old, posted by Giraldus Cambrensis on WesternResistance.com, February 2, 2006.

 August 28, 2007: Almost two years passed around and the Muslim mind dilemma deepens!



Jyllands-Posten's Muhammad

 November 4, 2005: The Muslim mind dilemma: Westerners shoot movies, Muslims shoot Westerners!



Kingdom of Heaven (2005)

 May 4, 2005: What’s good in the leftist secular humanist ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ if all the main issues about crusades are wrong? Here’s the ‘other’ secular point of view!

An Allegory of Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time

 October 7, 2001: A whole new page on the concept of civilization and the misconceiving of clash of cultures as a clash of civilizations.

 January 16, 2001: In a galaxy far far away… before Huntington!

 Age of Innocence

Al-Mozneboun (1976)

Al-Mozneboun (The Guilty) (1976)

(This photo from the 1970s’ Egyptian blockbuster was the trademark of this site in its early months. It is back might not for pure nostalgic purposes!)


What’s Guilt?

A question should be re-asked in the religious 2000s.


For more news, reviews, commentary and stunning images,

visit our extensive Popular Art page, the Censorship page,

 or the Sex and Liberties page.

POP ART (1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5):

 May 4, 2006: What’s Charisma?

 February 25, 2006: The magic about James Bond movies!


 July 1, 2005: 2005 summer movies and music reviewed. Plus: TV Section launched.


 May 19, 2005: What’s Beauty?

 August 8, 2004: Egyptian movies 2004: Talking about videoclips might be more exciting!


Hammam Al-Malatiely (1973)

 August 6, 2003: Egyptian movies 2003: Sexual themes strike back!

Plus: A tribute to 1970s’ sex boom in Egyptian cinema.


Nancy Ajram

 May 19, 2003: Why Nancy Ajram is a great threat to the Arab culture ‘Establishment?’

Yacoubian Bldg.

 January 24, 2003: ‘Catch Me if You Can,’ ‘Fish’s Tail’ and ‘Yacoubian’s Bldg’: Back to the art of very well told stories, all with some interesting ideas!

 Al-Lemby (2002)

 August 7, 2002: Summer 2002 Egyptian movies are angry but no direct messages anymore. The age of Wahid Hamed declines and the age of Ahmed ‘A-Lemby’ Abdullah prevails. Believe it or not: it’s a sign of maturity!

Dancing Queen

 May 20, 2001: Page main study on Popular Art Mechanisms posted. It tackles most of art criticism issues by distinguishing pop art, the big industry which addresses the mainstream audience in movies, television, dance, music, videogames …etc, from both fine art and folklore art.


A Brief History of Porn

Sharon Stone

France to clamp down on porn, prostitutes and pay-TV.

Read the continuous coverage of these nasty events.


SPECIAL I: A brief historical recount of pornography in movies.

SPECIAL II: The U.K. porn industry restores old times great liberties. The legendary British censorship decides self-disbandment.

ALSO: The fast-growing $10 billion American imaged sex industry.




A Brief History of Nude Modeling

Sharon Stone

Survey Reveals That 1 in 12 American Women Would Pose Nude on the Internet. What History Lies Behind This?

Read the entry.


(Most entries are in Sex page. It’s available only offline.

Please read the disclaimer first).

CULTURE (1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6):

 December 8, 2005: Heikal, a case study!

Athens 2004 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony

 August 13-29, 2004: Cultural footnotes on the margin of Athens Olympic Games! Also: The infiltration of a clear and present Islamic agenda in the Olympic community is threatening to repeat the history: As the Christianity ended the old Olympics the modern ones are about to be finished by Islam!

 February 20, 2004: We’re not alone! Zeev Boim says Arabs have a ‘genetic defect!’

 August 18, 2003: Zayed Center closed. They should have listened from the start to our old Shut-up advice!

Reda Helal

 August 16, 2003: Where and why did Reda Helal vanish?

 December 12, 2002: A little apology for what so-called ‘racism.’ What about some scientific facts that everybody ignores?

 October 11-16, 2002: A HISTORY MADE AND STILL TO BE MADE: U.S. decides to occupy Iraq and assign a new General MacArthur as a military ruler. BUT: Could it work in Egypt also?

 July 23, 2002: Masters of defeat gather to celebrate the most notorious disaster in the modern Arab history: Egypt’s July 23, 1952 ‘revolution’!

 January 31, 2002: What’s ‘Right?’ A simple question has never been answered in the eternally left-wing Arabic language!

 January 1, 2002: How to repair the image of Islam in the West? Here’s our advice: JUST SHUT UP!

Mustafa Kemal AtaturkGeronimo

 December 1999: A major study written between 1992-96 on Arabs and the Future of National Cultures posted. This is the third opinion page in the Think Internet! Month and the biggest in this site and in the whole Arabic Internet.


SECULARISM (1 - 2 - 3 - Hypatia page):

The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)

 December 7, 2005: Question: What happens when a critical percentage of people believes in demons? Answer: They will exist! The Exorcism of Emily Rose or medieval ages are here and now!

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger or Pope Benedict XVI

 April 24, 2005: The new Pope Benedict XVI: Declaring war on Islam? Applying for a membership in contemporary Christian-Zionist civilization camp? Reversing the criminal record of John Pole II, the keenest ally to Saddam, Arafat and Qaradawy? Vowing an open-minded and liberal new Catholicism? Maybe, yes!

King Arthur (2004)

 August 25, 2004: After 9/11, not only the Islam is in trouble, Christianity also! Introducing a wonderfully shocking movie titled ‘King Arthur!’

The Passion of the Christ (2004)

 March 31, 2004: Isn’t it time for a secular, historic and accurate cinematic retelling of Jesus story? Mel Gibson’s is definitely not! Also: The launch of this new page on the concept of religion.

 The Ever-Secular Christmas

 December 24, 2001: The ever-secular Christmas still the same pagan fertility feast of sex. It just took a better taste after September 11!

 September 28, 2000: Should the religious mania end by the year 2005? A stunning theory from a new American book.


 Sex in Egyptian Cinema

Hammam Al-Malatiely (1973)

Astonishingly Enough, Sexual Themes Strike Back in Egyptian Movies of Summer 2003!

Read this analysis.


Plus: A Tribute to 1970s’ Sex Boom in Egyptian Cinema.

SEX (1 - 2 - 3) (Available Offline Only):

 November 9, 2005: What’s Love?

 June 18-29, 2003: A HISTORY MADE: Canada allows homosexual marriage! Wait a moment: A BIGGER HISTORY MADE: America is going forward as well!

 June 18, 2003: Nude Recreation, a U.S. $400 Million Industry!

 May 8, 2003: Paid sex, aka prostitution, gets its recognition as a global mainstream industry!

Playboy's '5312_Marilyn_Monroe_CF'

 October 29, 2002: Survey reveals that 1 in 12 American women would pose nude on the Internet. What history lies behind this? Also: A Brief History of Nude Modeling!

Sharon Stone

 October 12-31, 2002: A French crusade targets porn, prostitutes and pay-TV. SHAME! Also: A Brief History of Porn!

 October 23, 2000: Thanks to technology, imaged sex has become a $10 billion annual American industry. While the U.S. and other politicians fight Hollywood, what lies beneath in the society?!


EXTERMINATION (1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13):

Israeli general and politician Yossi Peled

 December 25, 2008: The Eighth War: War Against Gaza!

 July 12, 2005: The Seventh War: War Against the Hezbollah Gang!

Atomic Explosion

 September 11, 2005: A HISTORY MADE, AND STILL TO BE MADE: U.S. envisions pre-emption atomic strikes against terrorist and rogue nations?

Abu Ghraib

 April 30, 2004: Torture? What torture? Our Arab primary schools have much tougher measures!

 January 7, 2004: From Badr Battle to Darfur Battle, Arabism and Islam are just pure banditry. The special beauty of Darfur’s ethnic cleansing is its most classic style: Bedouins raid farmers!

 November 16, 2003: In Iraq’s Sunni Triangle, nobody is innocent. What should Civilization do?

 August 19, 2003: How to solve the American dilemma in Iraq? The answer is measures that might escalate up to mass extermination! Plus: A proposition of the World Declaration for Protecting the Future!

 April 30, 2003: The ‘Roadmap,’ a wrong project in the wrong time for the wrong people. Here’s our own Roadmap to eliminate Hamas and the other nationalist and Islamist Arab terrorist organizations!

 March 9, 2003: The Nuclear Promise —Day 365: War against Iraq is anytime this week but still waiting for the big event [A symbolic entry in English].

 March 29, 2002: Full Israeli invasion. Is it at last a real war against Intifada and its lords? We just hope!

 March 14, 2002: Nuking Mecca. What an idea, but …!

Atomic Explosion

 March 9, 2002: A HISTORY MADE, MADE AND MADE: Pentagon adopts what so called ‘theater’ atomic bombs in its recent wars. Plans aim at seven ‘rogue’ states. Still dismantling the U.N. and nuking France is the big idea, we think. But this is A HISTORY STILL TO BE MADE: Would the wars of tomorrow be one-bullet wars?

Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz al-Saud

 February 19, 2002: A generous initiative from Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah. But could the Arab rejectionist front appreciate it!

 November 20, 2001: The first evidence of the all-original 21st Century’s systemized extermination: Donald Rumsfeld orders ‘No Prisoners!’

 December 18, 2000: This separate page was launched to answer this: What’s best for reading the future: reading the present, reading the past or reading the future?!



Michael Jackson

 June 13, 2005: Fight Michael, Fight! Michael Jackson is acquitted on all counts in molestation case: Question: Whom should be punished? Answer: Thomas W. Sneddon Jr. and every fame-wealth-and-power-hungry prosecution attorney! Today, prosecution of the prosecution is a matter of life and death for our modern societies!

 March 22, 2002: The U.S. imposes new conditions of aid for poor countries. Not enough at all, not the aid, the conditions!

 December 20, 2000: Nasdaq collapse of 7.1 percent today might be just the beginning. But isn’t it the time to question about who actually was responsible for the last years great American economic performance? Now it’s clear Bill Clinton was not. Ronald Reagan (if not Margaret Thatcher or even Richard Nixon) might be the most likely [Main Entry of Page].


Some Like It Digital

The Glamorous Marilyn Monroe

The glamorous Marilyn Monroe …the flesh and blood version

Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin and many other wonderful stars never won the Oscar. Is it really too late for them?

Visit our coverage of new media technologies in the Technology page. Plus a special report on 74th Oscars, which award a Best Animated Feature for the first time.

GLOBALIZATION (1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5):

 May 29, 2005: A HISTORY MADE AND STILL TO BE MADE: The final steps in the collapse of the criminal institution so called European Union: its own people vote against it!

Saddam Hussein captured

 December 14, 2003: ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, We Got Him!’ Saddam Hussein should be tried by the American Empire before a military tribunal. Saladdin should be Guantanamized!

 July 17, 2003: A HISTORY MADE: Tony Blair establishes the British left wing as a far right for the American Democratic Party. Wow!

 April 12, 2003: The new war started building up, so immediately. The next plain vanilla high-tech war is waiting for you, Bashar! Also: A proposition of a world ‘Roguery Indicator!’

Cpl. Edward Chin of the 3rd battalion, 4th Marines regiment, set up the American flag on the face of the giant Saddam Hussein's statue before pulling it down, central Baghdad, April 9, 2003.

 April 9, 2003: A HISTORY MADE AND STILL TO BE MADE: A great day, the Day of the Statue!

February 02, 2003 07:36 PM First Use of new.gif  January 30, 2003: A HISTORY MADE AND STILL TO BE MADE: After only a week after Donald Rumsfeld’s provocative but insightful remarks on the ‘Old Europe,’ comes the greatest continent crack since the Cold War: Eight nations to support the U.S. in war against Iraq, even without a UN resolution. The terrific part of this is not only the shameful isolation of the leftist France and Germany, but that it would be the very first declaration of the next United Nations!

 September 12, 2002: A HISTORY MADE AND STILL TO BE MADE: Somebody (except us of course!) says that the United Nations would deserve the same miserable fate of the League of Nations. The name? George W. Bush!

 May 4, 2002: A HISTORY MADE AND STILL TO BE MADE: YALTA LAW, AKA INTERNATIONAL LAW, IS MELTING DOWN! In the beginning there were Noriega, sanctions on Iran and the Law of Internet. Then came Rumsfeld’s ‘No Prisoners!,’ Guantanamo Bay prisoners and theatrical atomic bombs and George W. Bush’s ‘Steel Tariff‘ and dismissing of Arafat. Now comes the withdrawal from Kyoto, ABM and (today’s) International Criminal Court treaties. Should we leave Yalta’s notorious age alive until the ‘natural’ retirement age of sixty? Our very old answer is here. The most recent one is here!

Young Queen Victoria Portrayed by Franz Xavier Winterhalter (1838)

 April 23, 2001: Koizumi wins!

Also: His victory from a very personal point of view!

 December 19, 2000: Imperialism - Dictatorship - Monopoly (if with vision, of course): The Three Wings of Civilization! [Main Entry of Page].


From Burqa to Bikini!

Miss Afghanistan Vida Samadzai, who is among contestants from 60 countries, leads other Miss Earth candidates during a press preview, Manila, October 23, 2003.


Visit Our Civilization Page
That Tackles the Most Sensitive Issues of Religion!

(It’s available only offline. Please read the disclaimer first)

POST-HUMAN (1 - 2 - 3 - 1989’ Book - nOusia.com Project):

 March 22, 2005: Terri Schiavo, not a clinical death, nor a euthanasia case. So what? And how the religious ridiculed themselves and their God in their frenzy about Schiavo’s case?

 July 12, 2002: A HISTORY MADE, MADE AND MADE: From Scratch Creation achieved, BIOLOGICALLY! …YES, IT’S A HISTORY MADE, MADE AND MADE: Polio is the first ‘creature’ ever on planet Earth!

 April 27, 2001: A HISTORY MADE! Immune self-managing relatively small computer, the biggest machine intelligence project from I.B.M. since the Deep Blue.


 January 11, 2001: A HISTORY MADE, MADE AND MADE! The real Genetic Engineering has begun! The first genetically engineered primate, ever! Who’s NEXT?!

 December 2, 2000: A year passed today on site’s adoption of Think Internet! phase of intellectual discussions. A new posting titled ‘From Scratch Creation’ is found here [in English].

 September 4, 2000: Eleven years passed today on the first publishing of Medhat Mahfouz’ Post-Human Civilization. Though it was not a largely distributed edition, it was a futuristic study that also included some new ideas that could fit in what might be called ‘right-wing-counter-culture’! Read more in this new page launched here to summerize the book and follow-up its topics.


LIBERALISM (1 - 2 - 3 - 4):

The Aviator (2004)Million Dollar Baby (2004)

 February 28, 2005: Hollywood chooses to honor a republican with pro-social-liberties attitudes rather than a leftist going right!

Jean-Marie le Pen

 April 21, 2002: Though it was one of our simplest predictions for years and years, it’s still A HISTORY MADE, MADE AND MADE: Something ‘right’ in France for the first time in centuries!

 January 30, 2002: The Fascists Are Coming! The Fascists Are Coming!

Augusto Pinochet

 October 26, 2000: General Pinochet —The Last of Great Builders, a new section dedicated to one of the greatest liberal reform endeavors in the Third World [partially in English].


SEPTEMBER (1 - 2 - 3):

 September 11, 2004: The third anniversary but the problem yet to be properly diagnosed: the Islamic terrorism, the Islam itself or the entire Muslim population (who invented and adopted Islam)?

 December 17, 2003: What secularism in a French law that bans Islamic veil but allows wearing ‘hands of Fatima’ and ‘small’ Korans?

 November 17, 2003: Instead of sending Muslims back to their original countries, Jacques Chirac awards them $8 billion for killing Jews!

 October 27, 2003: Our new self-proclaimed title: The Best Ever to Understand the Egyptian Mentality! Our theory about the ‘Egyptian Touch’ of the September 11 attacks is no more a theory. Today, it’s FACTS!

 November 6, 2001: The East-West 09/11 blame game of Tyranny-Democracy duality. A reply to today’s Thomas L. Friedman column on Fighting Bin Ladenism [in English].


 September 11, 2001: THE LIBERATION OF DARKNESS HAS BEGUN: New York’s great World Trade Center towers collapse in a few minutes. Given the ignorance of Western leaders of the real religious dangers, the rest of our civilization will never come too late!



POLITICS (1 - 2 - 3) (Views’ Newest Page!):

Gamal Mubarak

 July 12, 2004: Egypt: Somebody on the steering at last… Gamal Mubarak!

 January 29, 2003: Floating of the Egyptian Pound, a very good step indicates a very bad economical situation!

 January 3, 2000: Whatever Happened to Baby Egypt (and lead her to strangle her best Prime Minister and ride a one-way ticket, well, to HUNGER)?



Bruce Almighty (2003)

 November 7, 2003: Egyptian censorship bans Bruce Almighty for ‘infringing on God’s sacredness by featuring actors playing the role of God.’ Here’s just a list of much much worse ‘Gods played by actors (and actresses)!’

 May 29, 2002: A HISTORY MADE: The legendary British censorship decides self-disbandment!

 April 16, 2002: A HISTORY MADE: The U.S. Supreme Court strikes down ban on virtual child pornography!

 January 6, 2001: Walima Part II: Elected Islamic butchers to win their first battle against the weak Egyptian Prime Minister without a single drop of blood! Also: A Special Forum on this.


HOLLYWOOD (1 - 2) (Views’ Oldest Page!):

Katharine Hepburn

 June 29, 2003: The woman who refused to be an ‘Adam’s rib!’

 March 4, 2003: Hollywood’s greatest year since the greatest of them all, year 1946. Movies dramatically thrive almost everywhere inside and outside the U.S. It’s depression time again, friend!

 December 2, 1999: The famous and extremely controversial Hollywood Film Theory study is posted here as the first dedicated Arabic columnist page on the Web. Our publishing project under motto Think Internet! is born.


INDUSTRY (1 - 2):

 January 8, 2003: ‘When addressing Egyptian Cinema, to whom I should talk?’ The Answer: To the corrupt film critics.

 March 1, 2002: Does the Arab culture worth $2 Billion? A question arises while the long-awaited bankruptcy of Al-Arabiia looms.



Aki's Eye

 October 31, 2001: The Final Fantasy. Don’t think so!

 January 17, 2001: The magnetic resurrection!

 August 1, 2000: Made-for-Internet movies premiers on the Web.

 July 28, 2000: Dispute over .mp3 file sharing; who’s right and who’s wrong?

 April 10, 2000: Digital camera for high-end film production.