This page
was launched in October 29, 2002 08:26 MET. In this moment the number of words
of Views pages on this site enters its second half million. By now, there are
25 views pages under 14 thematic titles, which appear in the left navigation
bar. That was a long story began some afternoon in December 1999 under the
motto Think Internet! Even more, some
contents were written much earlier.
دشنت هذه الصفحة فى الساعة 08:26 م بتوقيت الشرق الأوسط من يوم الثلاثاء 29 أكتوبر 2002 . نكتبها فى اللحظة التى دخل فيها عدد كلمات صفحات الراى على هذا الموقع النصف الثانى من المليون الأول . الآن يوجد 25 صفحة رأى تندرج تحت 14 عنوانا ثيميا ، تلك التى تظهر فى عمود الملاحة الأيسر . هذه الرحلة الطويلة بدأت مساء أحد الأيام من شهر ديسيمبر 1999 ، تحت شعار اسمه Think Internet! . الأبعد من هذا ، أن بعض المحتويات نفسها كتب قبل ذلك بكثير .
اقتراح خاص
بالقراءة المتصلة :
لعل صفحات الرأى كل متكامل ،
لكن البعض يشكو من صعوبة قراءة كل هذا الحجم ( نصف مليون كلمة تعادل ألفى
صفحة من كتب القطع الكبير ) ، أو المفاضلة بينه ، وماذا يفعل حيال
التنقل بين كل تلك الهمزات links طوال الوقت . من هنا سوف نقترح طريقة
للقراءة المتصلة وتجاهل الهمزات لو شاء . فقط هذا تصورنا الشخصى لا
أكثر ، فقط هو الأفضل من لا شىء default ، تاركين لكل قارئ
القرار الأخير فى كيفية تعامله مع المادة ، حسب اهتماماته الشخصية .
كما قلنا صفحات الرأى كل
متكامل ، وطبعا يمكن فقط الاكتفاء بمجرد القراءة بترتيبها الزمنى الذى أبردت
به على الموقع ، والذى يمثله عمود الهمزات الجانبى من أسفل لأعلى ( أى
من هولليوود صعودا إلى العلمانية ) . لكن على أية حال يمكن تقريبيا
تقسيم محتوى الصفحات إلى ثلاثة محاور كبرى : السياسة والثقافة ، العلم وبعد‑الإنسان ،
السينما والفنون . وحسب اهتمامك يمكنك اتباع أحد المخططات التالية ، والذى
لحسن الحظ دائما ما ينتهى كل منها نهاية تصلح معها بداية أى من المحورين التاليين
سواء بسواء :
1- العمود الفقرى لكل صفحات الرأى
هو صفحة الثقافة . نصها الأصلى كتب ما بين عامى
92-1996 ، وكان اسمها فى الأصل الجلوبة ، وهى عن أزمة العقلية
العربى . هذا العمود الفقرى تفرع من أفكاره الأصلية ، كل من صفحة الجلوبة الحالية عن الترتيب العالمى الجديد ،
[ وصفحة الاقتصاد عن تطورات الاقتصاد الحر إقليميا
وعالميا ] ، وصفحة الليبرالية عن
الليبراليتين الاقتصادية والاجتماعية وعن خطل فكرتى الديموقراطية وحقوق
الإنسان ، وصفحة الإبادة عن إشكالية التخلف
والصراع الإسرائيلى‑العربى ، وصفحة سپتمبر
عن حرب الحضارة ضد الدين وقد كتب أول مداخلها يوم 11 سپتمبر 2001 الشهير ،
ومن هذه الأخيرة تفرعت صفحة الحضارة عن صدام
الحضارة المعاصرة والإسلام ، وصنوها صفحة العلمانية
ذات الاهتمامات الأكثر عمومية فيما يخص المسألة الدينية ( صفحة هيپاتيا التذكارية المبكرة ، كانت
إرهاصة لشىء آخر حول الدين وعصور الظلام ، لكن تجاوزته الأحداث
عينها ! ) . القراءة بهذا الترتيب ستعطيك فكرة متكاملة عن مجمل
الأفكار التى تنتاولها هذا الموقع فى الشأنين السياسى والثقافى لعالمنا
العربى . عامة نعتقد أن قراءة صفحة الثقافة هو الخيار الأفضل لمن يريد
الاكتفاء بقراءة صفحة واحدة ، أما من تابع القراءة حسب المسلسل
المذكور ، فسوف يحصل على رؤية شبه متكاملة لكافة الأفكار المتعلقة بالقضايا
الثقافية والسياسية محور اهتمام هذا الموقع .
2- أقدم النصوص إطلاقا فى هذا
الموقع هو كتاب حضارة ما بعد‑الإنسان
( 1989 ) ، ومن منظور ما هو المنهج الخلفى المحرك وراء جميع
الأفكار الواردة فى كل الصفحات . لو استهوتك قراءته ، تابع المزيد من
تحديثاته فى صفحة ما بعد‑الإنسان ، وكذا سينما ما بعد‑الإنسان . كذلك يمكنك هنا
الاطلاع على مخطط مبدئى لمشروعنا القادم nOusia.com .
ثم بالطبع بعد ذلك يمكنك الولوج للمسلسل الثقافى‑السياسى السابق ، أو
الفنى‑السينمائى التالى .
3- فنيا كانت هولليوود هى أول صفحة رأى تبرد فى هذا الموقع ،
وذلك فى 2 ديسيمبر 1999 ، وكانت بداية رفع شعار Think
آنذاك . منها تفرعت صفحة التقنية عن مستحدثات
دنيا لترفيه ، وصفحة الرقابة ، وصفحة الجنس عن الحرية الجنسية ، وصفحة الفن
الجماهيرى التى تتناول الفنون من منظور اجتماعى . كذلك بدأت صفحة الصناعة لتغطية الأوضاع الاقتصادية لصناعة الترفيه فى مصر
ثم توسعت لتغطى أخبار الاقتصاد المصرى ككل ومن ثم الشأن السياسى بها ، فيما
استقل هذان الشقان بكاملهما فيما بعد تحت مسمى صفحة السياسة ،
وطبعا هناك فيما يخص السينما صفحة سينما ما بعد‑الإنسان .
لو سرت بهذا الترتيب فى القراءة يمكنك بعد ذلك العودة للمسلسل الثقافى‑السياسى
الوارد أولا ، أو للمسلسل الثانى ذو البعد العلمى .
ما رايك بشىء مختلف : لتجرب
قراءة المدخل الأصلى لكل صفحة من تلك الصفحات ، ثم تقرر بنفسك ما الذى
يستهويك أكثر أو ربما يستحق مواصلة القراءة !
أخيرا لتلق نظرة أخرى على أهم
الهمزات فى الصفحات المختلفة تحت هذا مباشرة ، فقط مع العلم أننا سوف نتركها
بلا حذف أو إضافة دونما تحديث لتعطيك فكرة مستقبلا عما كانت عليه الصفحة الأمامية
للموقع فى هذا اليوم 29 أكتوبر 2002 ، أو بمعنى آخر كيف يمكن أو تبدو نصف
مليون كلمة ! أما التحديثات اللاحقة فستكون موجودة بطبيعة الحال فى الصفحة الأمامية كالمعتاد .
… تمنياتنا بقراءة
ممتعة !
The full original text of our 1989 book Post-Human Civilization. This is the oldest text included to date on this site and
should be one of its pillars as a defining thesis behind most of its ideas. Download for free. |
Visit the Memorial Page hypatia.egypt This page, written in English and classically designed in April 7, 2000, was originally intended as a separate secular site.
6-24, 2002: War of Teens —The Inevitable End: Forget about that boring phony Britney.
Aguilera is Latino, ‘Dirrty,’ ‘Stripped’ and never
said she’s a virgin!
7, 2002: A HISTORY MADE: Videogame business
tops film industry for the first time. Are we talking about ‘the’ new main form
of Human Culture?
14, 2002: Citizen, Detective and Thief,
a historical conciliation between Intellectual, Authority and Religion or just
another troubled movie?
13, 2001: Believe it or not? The new Egyptian
model of hero: Hajj Metwally, the husband of four!
22, 2001: A STAR IS TORN: The most popular
actress in Egyptian film history died. Not an accident. Not a suicide. Just a plain vanilla murder.
19, 2002: Muhammad Atta Part II —The Sniper!
17, 2002: Quarter a million American
soldiers to invade Iraq. Welcome back to the beauty of classic wars!
11, 2002: The biggest missing voice in
this war is back, just at the right moment and with the best possible vision:
Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven!
4, 2002: Iran struggles to
avoid the inevitable applying of Darwin-Rumsfeld Law!.
29, 2002: Hey, Axis of Evil!
Welcome to dictionary!
19, 2001: DAY 100: A GREAT PAGE OF
6, 2001: The East-West 09/11 blame game of Tyranny-Democracy duality. A reply to today’s
Thomas L. Friedman column on Fighting Bin Ladenism
[in English].
5, 2001: NEWS, REAL NEWS: Somebody is talking
about a strategy for this war! You should make a good guess!
31, 2001: Believe it or not: Tony bin Blair in
Syria and even insulted by Bashar?
26, 2001: Silvio
Berlusconi becomes the first leader to put it right: the superiority of the
Western civilization.
11-16, 2002: A HISTORY MADE AND STILL TO BE MADE: U.S. decides to occupy Iraq and
assign a new General MacArthur as a military ruler. BUT: Could it work in
Egypt also?
23, 2002: Masters of defeat gather to
celebrate the most notorious disaster in the modern Arab history: Egypt’s July
23, 1952 ‘revolution’!
7, 2002: FIFA World Cup as a
demonstration of Man-Machine conflict. Also as a demonstration of Arab culture
5, 2002: VOA Arabic signing off,
sorrowfully for the last time. A new broadcast launched!
6, 2002: A HISTORY MADE! First Human Cloning. Surprisingly, it’s an Arab cultural
event than a scientific one!
15, 2002: EgyptAir
Flight 990 crash: All secrets revealed. It’s just an ‘internal affairs’
issue of the Islamic Brotherhood.
31, 2002: What’s ‘Right?’ A simple
question has never been answered in the eternally left-wing Arabic language!
1, 2002: How to repair the image of
Islam in the West? Here’s our advice: JUST SHUT UP!
30, 2001: The ‘Arab Street’ is dead
silent. Why?
18, 2001: Arabic MTV. WHAT AN IDEA!
But, could it really work?
25, 2001: EgyptAir
officially acknowledges liability for Flight 990 crash.
17, 2001: Arab unity accomplished at
last: Nabil Ali’s new book Arab Culture and the
Information Age.
20, 2000: Hezbollah website ruined; some
lessons obtained. Or may not?!
11-16, 2002: A HISTORY MADE AND STILL TO BE MADE: U.S. decides to occupy Iraq and
assign a new General MacArthur as a military ruler. BUT: Could it work in
Egypt also?
20, 2002: A HISTORY MADE AND STILL TO BE MADE: A Manifesto for a New World, the
Declaration of the U.N. Clinical Death or: George W. Bush’ ‘The National
Security Strategy of the United States of America.’
12, 2002: A HISTORY MADE AND STILL TO BE MADE: Somebody (except us of course!)
says that the United Nations would deserve the same miserable fate of the
League of Nations. The name? George W. Bush!
14, 2002: Tensions escalate between
Egypt and the U.S. Is it also a Post-Yalta business?
6, 2002: U.S. top strategy planning
agency suggests invading Saudi Arabia!
LAW, AKA INTERNATIONAL LAW, IS MELTING DOWN! In the beginning there were Noriega,
sanctions on Iran and the Law of Internet. Then came
Rumsfeld’s ‘No Prisoners!,’ Guantanamo Bay
Prisoners and theatrical
atomic bombs and George W. Bush’s ‘Steel
Tariff’ and dismissing of
Arafat. Now comes the withdrawal from Kyoto, ABM
and (today’s) International
Criminal Court treaties. Should we leave Yalta’s
notorious age alive until the ‘natural’ retirement age of sixty? Our
very old answer is here. The most recent one is
22, 2002: The U.S. imposes new
conditions of aid for poor countries. Not enough at all, not the aid, the
5, 2002: The U.S. imposes ‘Steel Tariff’
on the world. For the sake of all free trade basics the right imposition should
be a ‘Defense Tax.’
13, 2001: A HISTORY MADE: America pulls out of
the ABM Treaty. A pillar of the old world order collapses.
23, 2001: Koizumi wins!
Also: His victory from a very personal point of
22, 2001: A HISTORY MADE: The ‘let’s make this
the century of the Americas’ aka the FTAA pact signed in Quebec!
6, 2001: A HISTORY MADE: The
greatest government ever to be trimmed to half!
24, 2000: A HISTORY MADE: Jordan to
become the first non-Northern-American country to sign a free trade pact with
the U.S.
10, 2000: Intel to build a $500 million
microchip plant in Egypt. Egyptian students vow to boycott American products.
What an interesting country!
9, 2000: A HISTORY MADE: Ecuador to
become the first country to adopt the U.S. dollar as its national currency.
CIVILIZATION (1 - 2 - Hypatia
page) (And Later: Site’s Newest Page! SECULARISM
1 - 2) (Both Available Offline Only):
October 4, 2002: Jerry ‘Muhammad the Terrorist’ Falwell and Pat ‘Muhammad the Killer’ Robertson strike back.
July 20, 2002: East Timor, Chechnya and now
Morocco and Southern Sudan: A lot of signs about corrosion of the borders of
Islamic World!
June 11, 2002: Fallaci papers prove
to be a chain reaction!
12, 2002: Pervez
Musharraf: Big steps, great courage but not really extirpationist… or not yet?
28, 2001: Nobel Prize Winner V.S. Naipaul’s
theory of Calamitous Effect of Islam still ignites the Arab cultural world.
Sometimes in the good sense of words!
7, 2001: A whole new page on the concept
of civilization and the misconceiving of clash of cultures as a clash of
16, 2001: In a galaxy far far away… before Huntington!
September 18, 2002: Minority Report, a good ‘Rashomonian’ movie but Steven ‘The
Good Jew’ Spielberg cannot talk deep about our harsh futures!
October 17, 2001: How far did the humane Steven Spielberg spoiled
the Stanley ‘Post-Human’ Kubrick’s A.I.?
July 22, 2001: The ugly confusion between Surrealism
and Post-Modernism.
June 1, 2001: The first Web introduction to Post-Human
March 21, 2001: Hannibal —or How I Learned to Stop Worrying
and Love the Post-Human.
25, 2002: George W. Bush
orders: No More Arafat! This time it seems final.
4, 2002: Palestinians
accept all Sharon peace conditions. The only problem is they’re too old and
it’s a too late surrender!
2, 2002: Would the nuclear inferno
begin in Kashmir?
12, 2002: The dream of a Palestinian
state vanished today… officially!
30, 2002: First signs of what
would be the ‘New Arab Order’!
20, 2002: War trials for the
victorious. Our World Order biggest joke, ever!
18, 2002: E.T. Goes Intifada. Our Arab
media biggest joke, ever!
17, 2002: A HISTORY MADE: The
first articulate and direct intimidation ever from an American President to
what so called moderate Arab states!
10, 2002: PALESTINE
29, 2002: Full Israeli invasion. Is
it at last a real war against Intifada and its lords? We just hope!
14, 2002: Nuking Mecca. What an idea,
but …!
February 21, 2002: Sharon surrenders to Palestinian
February 19, 2002: A generous initiative from Saudi
Crown Prince Abdullah. But could the Arab rejectionist front appreciate it!
20, 2001: A HISTORY MADE: Syria
isolated absolutely alone in the Arab League!
12, 2001: Arafat days have been numbered.
20, 2001: The first evidence of the all-original
21st Century’s systemized extermination: Donald Rumsfeld orders ‘No Prisoners!’
18, 2001: Arab Analysts say Colin Powell
forced Israel out of Gaza. We say the good general is just an outsider who
knows nothing about the new U.S. strategy.
26, 2001: If you know a way other than the
Neutron Bomb that can stop Taliban from destroying Buddhas,
please contact us. It’s URGENT!
16, : Some good
news: Egypt’s Foreign Affairs Minister Amr Moussa dismissed... AT LAST!
December 28, 2000: Add the new year’s
tune to your favorites: Middle East War Drums!
December 18, 2000: This separate page was launched to
answer this: What’s best for reading the future: reading the present, reading
the past or reading the future?!
4, 2000: Israel’s Mr. Deep Blue,
aka Benjamin Netanyahu, to be or not to be [back]?
23, 2002: Right-wing defeated in German
elections. Why?
21, 2002: Though it was one of our simplest predictions for years and years, it’s still A HISTORY MADE, MADE AND MADE: Something
‘right’ in France for the first time in centuries!
1, 2002: The big lesson from the big master: THINK
BIG! …Once again you should make a good guess!
30, 2002: The Fascists Are Coming! The
Fascists Are Coming!
28, 2002: A Human Rights conference
in Cairo. A joke or what?
1, 2001: Egypt puts safety belt on!
8, 2000: Thanks to democracy, Islamic
butchers win 18 seats in the Egyptian Parliament. Also:
what about the equally danger
tolerance with other big mob ideologies?
26, 2000: General Pinochet —The Last of Great Builders, a new section dedicated to one
of the greatest liberal reform endeavors in the Third World [partially in English].
POST-HUMAN (1 - 1989’ Book - nOusia.com plan):
July 10, 2002: The human origins are pushed back to 7 million
years. How interesting!
June 20, 2002: Full original
text of our 1989 book Post-Human
Civilization posted.
March 2, 2002: Arab media is talking about religion
neurology. What an astonishing miracle!
14, 2002: Rainbow is beautiful. Her cloned kitten Cc
is beautiful. But they are not identical. WHY?
9, 2002: A wave of using medical marijuana in
Oregon. What about the rest of the hypocritical world?
4, 2002: Move over human race. QUICKLY,
please. Moore’s Law was just a modest prediction!
27, 2001: A HISTORY MADE! Immune self-managing
relatively small computer, the biggest machine intelligence project from I.B.M.
since the Deep Blue.
11, 2001: A HISTORY MADE, MADE AND MADE! The real
Genetic Engineering has begun! The first genetically engineered primate, ever!
Who’s NEXT?!
December 2, 2000: A
year passed today on site’s adoption of Think Internet! phase of intellectual discussions. A new posting titled ‘From
Scratch Creation’ is found here [in
November 19, 2000: A HISTORY MADE! Netherlands become the first
country to legalize mercy killing and doctor-assisted suicide.
HOLLYWOOD (1) (Views’ Oldest Page!):
11, 2001: Hollywood enlists in the war against
terrorism, but supposedly not a war against Islam. How would the ever-secular
industry handle this GOP condition?
29, 2002: A HISTORY MADE: The
legendary British censorship decides self disbandment!
16, 2002: A HISTORY MADE: The U.S.
Supreme Court strikes down ban on virtual child pornography!
13, 2001: Egyptian Inquisition aka the
Ministry of Culture bans a poet from the early Islamic era!
6, 2001: Walima
Part II: Elected Islamic butchers to win their first battle against the
weak Egyptian Prime Minister without a single drop of blood! Also: A
Special Forum on this.
10, 2000: Walima
le-Aashab Al-Bahr: A novel leads to suspension of
the Egypt’s formal Islamic party.
3, 2000: The Matrix in Cairo... AT
28, 2000: Whatever happened to American
Beauty in Guenina Mall?!
March 1, 2002: Does the Arab culture worth $2 Billion?
A question arises while the long-awaited bankruptcy of Al-Arabiia
February 24, 2002: A train inferno kills 400 Egyptians.
Unfortunately, the largely condemned Minister of Transportation is not the real
February 6, 2002: Egypt receives an astonishing $10.3
billion of grants and aid virtually nobody asked for! Again, the man behind the
mystery should be, who else, Saddam Hussein!
January 14, 2002: The ailing Egyptian economy enters the age of
free Internet!
8, 2001: The legendary Egyptian Television
collapses. What should be done?
2000: Al-Arabiia,
when merger means chaos.
3, 2000: Whatever Happened to Baby Egypt (and
lead her to strangle her best Prime Minister and ride a one-way ticket, well,
SEX (1) (Available Offline Only):
24, 2001: The ever-secular Christmas still the
same pagan fertility feast of sex. It just took a better taste after September
19, 2001: ...and a porn gallery of an Egyptian
priest goes public.
4, 2000: A HISTORY MADE: Yesterday Queer as Folk became
the first ever hardcore homo-sexual series to be shown by a major cable
20, 2000: The new oral culture... the sexual one! Teenage
behavior studies say a lot!
28, 2000: Should the religious mania end by the
year 2005? A stunning theory from a new American book.
11-18, 2000: The FTC report against Hollywood and
the solid response from liberal press as The New York Times and Variety.
2000: Complicated Women —Sex and Power in
Pre-Code Hollywood, a new book about the censorship-free era.
31, 2001: The Final Fantasy. Don’t
think so!
17, 2001: The magnetic resurrection!
17, 2000: A HISTORY MADE! Bounce to become the
first movie ever to be distributed digitally through satellite.
November 3, 2000: A HISTORY MADE! Variety publishes its
first ever review on a made-for-internet movie.
October 2, 2000: Warner Music adopts the DVD-Audio format
launching the new era of sound recording and listening.
1, 2000: Made-for-Internet movies
premiers on the Web.
July 28, 2000: Dispute over MP3 file sharing; who’s right
and who’s wrong?
April 10, 2000: Digital camera for high-end film production.
‘Views’ Pages Note and Disclaimer
Starting June 4, 2002, we decided that some pages should not be available online anymore. For such pages, only a fully functional offline version of the whole site is now available to download. It’s complete with all pages, all of our fine photo collection, and even ‑in case they’re connected to the Internet for some reason‑ users might support the site by clicking the sponsored links. (Ironically, by this we once again added some other ‘firsts’ to the Arabic Internet, as disclaimers, veiled pages and full offline sites!) Before that, by clicking to download the compressed
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whose http://everyscreen.com/everyscreen.zip
- ZIP Listing: - If you’re a first-time downloader you SHOULD download all files. After expanding all of them, you’ll find in each file a main folder named everyscreen.com under which you might find some subfolders. Merge all subfolders from all files under only one everycreen.com folder and ENJOY! - If you’re looking for updating your offline version you could download the recently updated files only. Big ‘photos’ zip files include only pictures up to a certain date and it’s not necessary to re-download any, even if we’ve updated them. Updated versions are smaller and just have some old pictures omitted. The newer versions of all these pictures should be included in one of the later workable photo folders. - In general, in normal and most likely cases you have to download only the first and relatively small first file and merge it with your old site version.
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- All PDFs are in Arabic and designed for double-sided printing. - nadim.pdf is a personal account of friend Nadim Michelle. - Please report any problems here. |